Thursday, July 01, 2004


Here I am again staring at the computer for more than half an hour now, and still I don't know what topic to write about. In this cold and quiet office, sitting in my work station the whole morning, beside are my boss' plants and a troll doll left by the staff whose post I fill temporarily. Outside, looking from a huge window glass in my right, I see the rain continue to pour as strong winds gush to the trees.

I may have an idle brain right now, though to hear closely, beneath is uneasiness drifting due to uncertainty of things to come.

Well…what can I say? There are certain points in life where we just have to move on and go with the flow, wander wherever the current take us far beyond the blank space of tomorrow.

In a few weeks from now I'll be leaving a place where I found the joy of learning which in times came smoothly and in times came in a challenging and yet fulfilling manner. A place where I gained good working experience, which is actually what I really sought, and look forward since day one. Though, totally not recommendable money wise, but unparallel in the basis of helping to enhance and sharpen my skills. More to it is the joy of gaining new friends and acquaintances, people who welcomed me as their own, them who help my work become much lighter and of course those who provided occasional comic relief in times of stress. Them, that even in the direst hours in their work continue to carry poise and smiles.

Yikes. I will surely miss all.

Even the bosses, whose physical presence made me wonder, if they are around who runs hell?

Then again I should not waste time and start to look for a new workplace where I can permanently call home. I should not be here blogging. Instead I better surf the web quick and look for the one I have been seeking which I can call the mothership.

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