Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chuck DVD

I just got my Chuck DVD this morning from my former co-employee. I am now so excited to watch it over the weekend. That is if Enzo will let me touch the TV for a couple of hours. I see my self watching Chuck during unholy hours.

More than a year ago few of us (former officemates) got hooked with Chuck. Then after so many unexpected plans, moving from one place to far flung distance, and I getting a new job; we are still so much into Chuck. Infact, I also learned that even my tito in New Zealand is actually addicted to it too.

We have been exchanging so many exciting things about Chuck. The only downside is when I changed my status in Facebook, calling my self as Special Agent Charles Carl Michael which drew ires from people. Calm down guys, as if I am not sensitive that you guys envy it Hehehe

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